Thursday, November 8, 2012

What makes a good Hypnotist

So what does it take to be a Hypnotist? 


Well I believe you have to like people.  You have to be friendly and approachable and have very good listening skills.  There’s nothing worst then paying to see a professional who does all the talking then proceeds to do the same routine that is used on all clients.  How inappropriate.  So being a Hypnotist means really listening to clients so we can understand why they have come to see us.  Only then can we decide whether hypnosis can help them.  If I can’t, then I like to know that I have enough resources to refer people on to more appropriate practitioners.


I went to see a hypnotist a few years ago who had been trained in only one method which is the NLP based Ericksonian.  It had no effect on me at all.  Now the counsellor was probably very good at hypnotising people if they could relax their mind.  My mind goes at about 100 miles a second.  I spent the time analysing her methods  and approach and wondered when the session would finish.  So dare I say that the hypnosis session was sadly unsuccessful.


So some of my most recent Hypnosis training has been with Larry & Cheryl Elman.  Larry’s dad was the famous Hypnotist of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s Dave Elman who actually did stage hypnosis for awhile until he moved into more serious hypnosis and started training doctors, anaesthetists and dentists in the States.  He is renown for his induction known as the “Elmanian Induction”.  This is the induction I use as it gets past the conscious mind so we can work with the subconscious.


In fact here we all are at the Graduation Ceremony when I became a fully pledged Hypnotist.  I am with Larry and Cheryl Elman.

Monday, November 5, 2012

I have been living in Cairns for 12 months now.  It was a big move, our final one though.  I had to leave behind my gorgeous son and my wonderful supportive friends and my business.  Thank goodness for Face Book.  Setting up a new Hypnosis  business is something I have done before as we have moved around Australia a few times starting in Adelaide then living on Christmas Island for many years then moving back to Adelaide which we found to be far too cold for us after so many years in the tropics.  Brisbane was our next move and as much as I liked living there and made some life long friends, I always new it was transitional. 

I love living in Cairns.  I love the people; I love everything about the place….well not the toads that find their way into my pot plants.

And I love setting up my new exciting Hypnosis business.  Why would I enjoy setting up a new Hypnosis business?  Well it means I am really concentrating on my business.   I am totally focussed on it, sending off all that positive stuff out to the universe which means that it is all sent back to me threefold. 

I have to know my market.  I have to be sure of the words I use in advertising and networking when I talk about Hypnosis.  I have to be aware of who else is here in Cairns offering the same Hypnosis service or something similar.   And all this means networking!

Cairns is certainly a place for networking.  I went to 5 networking events last week.

It’s a good thing I love being a Hypnotist and that I love talking about it.  I have to be careful though…not to bore people into a trance…Heck that could have some interesting results!

So after 12 months of living here, how do I feel about it all?  Well I am starting to be recognised when I go to different events.  Hopefully that has nothing to do with the colour of my hair, but if that’s why…. well heck…it really doesn’t matter does it!  It means that people are remembering me and hopefully as a Hypnotist.

I was approached at one networking event and asked if I was the sex therapist.  My answer of course was that indeed I am the Hypnotherapist…not that I call myself a therapist AT ALL….that is not the service I offer.  That is not what Hypnosis is all about.  However this woman did recognise me as a regular to the lunch and now knows exactly what I do……

So more of what I offer next time…and perhaps I’ll talk about the difference between being a Hypnotist and a Hypnotherapist…..speak soon

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I made the November edition of CairnsLife magazine.  It gave me an opportunity to talk a bit about my business and Hypnosis.  I could only use 250 words which was limiting however I was able to talk about Hypnosis and answer some of the questions that I am asked.  For example people quite often beleive that when they are hypnotised they are asleep so I need to explain that indeed they are awake and fully aware of everything that is said during the session.  I also squashed the rumour that Hypnotists can make people cluck like a chicken.  If that were the case then there would be thousands of people walking around clucking for no apparent reason.  I am NOT a stage Hypnotist. I am serious about helping people to get to core issues and eliminating the negative experience and emotions and flipping it so that people can move on with their lives. Hypnosis does that.  Especially when the Hypnotist has been trained in the most up tp date methods which I have.
I use the Elman Induction so I can relax your body and your conscious mind known as the 'Critical Factor'.  That means I talk directly to the Subconscious mind where the permanent memory is.  It's like going into a computer and reprograming it.
Well I wasn't able to write all of the above, however with this exposure I am looking forward to all of my new Hypnosis clients.  Speak soon.....................................

Well here are are at the very gorgeous Thala Lodge Port Douglas which is 40 minutes north of Cairns Queensland.  We had a wonderful day.  It would be the perfect setting for running a workshop on Hypnotherapy.  It would be the perfect setting for running any type of workshop. 
We did talk about work as this was the first time Megan, Shivany and I had met.  I was able to explain to them some aspects of being hypnotised briefly between mouthfuls of scones and delicate lemon tarts.  We drank lots of cups of freshly brewed tea then Megan gave us all a tea leaf reading. 
Well it seems that I am certainly following my passion (Hypnosis).  I have planted the seed and now the 'tree' is growing beautifully. 
Thank you Brenda, Megan (who took the photos on the day) and Shavany.  I cant wait for the time we meet up for more good food and excellent chatter.