Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ruke # 2

Rule #2  Do not snack on sugar

This is so easy now.  Do not snack on sugar.  Day 16 of no sugar/honey/fructose in my diet…Well that’s the official day however I was very excited about giving up sugar so I did start a few weeks before.  Anyway a few interesting things have popped up.

I sometimes miss not eating between meals…but only sometimes as I have always enjoyed the eating process…the tastes, textures, smells of food.  It’s really interesting as I will look at the kitchen clock and think that it is morning tea time then concentrate on my stomach and I am just not hungry.  I just can’t eat for the sake of eating now.  It’s the thought: “Well where will it go?”  There’s no room for any more food.  Not that I have a huge breakfast.  Oh well I shall be happy with my cup of tea.

In the afternoons again I wait to get hungry.  That low at 3pm (or whenever).  I wait and wait and it doesn’t happen.  So I no longer wait.  Food just isn’t as important as it was a month ago.  Now as I say this I still enjoy my food.  I love going out to eat.  That hasn’t changed at all. I am more selective now and am always aware of the ‘hidden’ sugar that people quite often don’t know about or think about.  The sugar in sauces etc.  I love Thai food and can cook it at home safely however to eat at a Thai restaurant now is a no-no as they use lots of sugar.  Sugar is one of their main ingredients for cooking Thai in case people start emailing back telling me about how much sugar is in Italian food etc.  Chinese and Indian cuisine doesn’t use sugar as a rule.

Now when I do eat is around 4.30 -5pm just when my husband gets home.  By then I am a bit nibbly but only sometimes.  Sometimes I have gone a whole day only eating 3 meals which has been unheard of for me as I would eat every 2 -3 hours.  I would have to as my blood sugars levels would drive me crazy and moody.  Doesn’t happen now.  I don’t have to leave the house and have snacks to take with me or work out where I would be and what cafes were around for my sugar hit.

In fact I just looked at the clock then and was surprised that it is midday.  I thought it was morning cuppa time.

So if I eat later in the afternoon it is normally a couple dry biscuits with a bit of hommos and maybe a slice of cheese.  That lasts till we eat dinner.

Too easy for me now.  I am not bloated anymore.  Yes I still have roles of fat around my stomach and with some exercise that will decrease, but I don’t have to wonder what size cloths I will wear today.  No need.  I now know from day to day that what size I wore yesterday will fit today.

I am still a bit amazed at all of this.  I still think I will ‘test’ myself.  But it doesn’t work.  I don’t want any chocolate.  I don’t want any cakes.  I can walk past cafĂ©’s with my husband and I know he watches me and waits however I just look past the cakes even the delicious gluten free cakes.

So anyway Rule # 2   don’t snack on sugar.  No need when there are so many yummy alternatives.  Home made dips with celery and carrot sticks.  Cheese on dry biscuits.  One piece of fruit (if you can tolerate fructose).  Some yummy bread with vegemite…oh I don’t know….there are so many non sugar snacks that we can eat so why load our system up with a toxin.

Remember diseases linked to fructose consumption so far;

Weight gain

Type 2 diabetes

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Heart disease

High blood pressure (this is mine)


Depression and anxiety

Fatty liver disease

Cirrhosis of the liver

Liver failure

Acute pancreatitis

Kidney disease

Tooth decay

Happy Healthy snacking folks

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Rule # 1

The rules


Believe you are not being deprived or Have the right attitude

For most people the first emotion they feel when they go on a diet is one of being deprived of food.  I felt it over and over again without defining what I was feeling and working through the emotion.  So it was just stuck there and kept coming back.

It could have very negatives effects if not dealt with.  This emotion is the one that will sabotage your eating plan.  Now where it comes from no-one knows.  It could come from early childhood; feeling deprived of chocolate or lollies when everyone else has some.  It could be feeling deprived of love and attention.  Or it could be you were one of many children in a family always making a grab for food before your siblings got to it and there was none left for you.  Who knows….it could have come from any situation.  It could be a basic need to be fed; to survive.  For some reason though even if we have cupboards and a fridge full of good healthy food some of us may feel that there is not enough to go round so I better get in and get mine.

But we feel it and sarcome to it.  There goes the diet yet and we don’t know why.  All we know is we have failed again. 

If we recognise this emotion straight away and actually delete it from our body and memory we will have a better chance of living a happier life.  If we feel deprived with food then I bet you also feel deprived in other areas of your life.

FasterEFT will help eliminate it for you.  Tap it away.  While you are tapping though, do think about other times in your life you have also felt deprived and tap them away too.

Now having the right attitude.  Well you need to want to make changes for yourself not anyone else.  Certainly not for approval or acceptance.  You have to want to give up sugar because you believe it is a toxin and your body doesn’t need it.  It’s really like any toxic thought we have.  We think about it so much it becomes entrenched into our daily life.  We keep it active by re-runs of the thought and situation over and over again.  We embrace it like a long lost friend.

So you have to be clear about what you want for your body and mind.   Your attitude needs to be one of enthusiasm and excitement to make permanent changes.  You need focus.  Thinking about what you want isn’t enough.  Believing you already have it helps.  Really living and feeling the changes each day and turn it into a habit while seeing sugar and all sweet foods as a toxin that will cause health problems for you.

Remember if you are new to tapping book in for a Skype session with me.