Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Once upon a time................

It all started almost 60 years ago.  I was born in 1952 in Adelaide which is the capitol city of South Australia.  Now back then nothing was known about food allergies or intollerences so I was fed what propably every other child in Australia was fed;  Dairy products, white bread and sugar. Obviously I ate other foods however these 3 were a stable part of our every day diet. 

Now when I tell people what my mother did to get us kids (4 of us) to eat food they dont normally believe me, however recently I checked with my sister just to make sure I didn't dream it and yes she agreed this is what our mother (who did not know any better at that time did).  She put sugar on EVERYTHING so we would eat it.

She put it on lettuce...oh yes she did....and tomatoes and anything else she introduced into our diet.  So I ate everything!!!!  I can actually remember when she stopped putting sugar on the lettuce as she told me I was old enough to go without it....I must have been around 4.  I was devestated......
How could I possibly eat that green tasteless leaf without sugar????
How could I eat that tomato without sugar????

That was the first time I felt deprived of sugar....or possibly deprived of my mother's love.

So now you have read this far I shall just branch out a little and explain a bit more about myself.
I am an Emotional Health Practitioner.  I made up that title because I didn't know what else to call myself.  A therapist?  no not really.  A counsellor?  No I dont counsel people.  What I do is a wee bit different.  Basically I am concerned with people's emotional health.
I use 2 main techneques when I see clients.  NLP which is Neuro Linguistic Programming and FasterEFT.  You can go to my webpage and check those out by just googling them.
So how did I get to be an Emotional Health Practitioner?  Because I knew that I needed to look after my own emotional wellbeing. From there I also knew I had to take this knowledge and help other people.

One thing that is consistant in my life is the fact that I am so good at dieting.  I've tried so many the last being the Dukan Diet (only recently after swearing never to diet again).  That's quite the easy part dont you think?  Everyone can diet....most people HAVE at some point in their lives...They do work.  In most caes they do what they say they will....however it's when the diet is over/stopped that the real issues begin.

So this is my story about how I stopped dieting.  How I turned my emotional wellbeing around, well actually that is what this blog is about: it is about how I am turning my emotional wellbeing around.

In January 2011 I made 2 promises to myself.  That this year (2011) I would give up gluten products as I have known about my gluten problem for 30 years then in 2012 I would give up sugar....ALL SUGAR....how exciting is that!!!

So tomorrow I shall explain a bit more about my life and about the interesting struggles I have had along the way with my food intollerances, what I have tried, what has worked and what I have left behind.....how exciting is that!!!!!!!  see ya xoxox


  1. Great start Pamela - we think it is crazy now - but I am sure she thought it was better to have you eat greens with sugar than no greens at all! hahaha how did this upbringing affect your parenting around food with your son?

  2. Hi Polly, I remember the sugar on the lettuce and the rockmellon! Mum used to put heaps of salt on the tomatoes. Good thing she started to eat healthier when I was 12 otherwise .. I'd hate to know how big I would be now.

    Love your writing style, look forward to more.

    cheers Kathie
