I have a background in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing). Great for 'counselling' people if I am to use such a word. I did my first NLP course over 25 years ago. It was interesting and it was fun and you could do good things with it and help clients. It just wasn't 'doing it' for me. I did however use aspects of it throughout the years.
When I lived on Christmas Island I would occassionally go back to the mainland (being Perth cause that's where the plane from CI would land). I would always get a couple of the ulternative newspapers to read to keep up with complimentary medicines etc. On the back page there was always an ad for an American guy called Eugene something talking about phobias and fears and I was always drawn to the ad and what he had to say. It really did sound interesting talking about how you can tap on your body and get over these phobias and fears. I didn't understand it however it resonated with my thinking style.
When we finally left the island after 6 years we went back to Adelaide to live and again the first week back I got one of these newspapers and it advertised a course using this technique to release phobias, fears and a few other things......it was being run in Adelaide and it was being run by an Australian (bonus) so I enrolled. The technique was called Thought Field Therapy. Now you must understand that I went along to learn this technique to use in my business not to use on myself as hey.....there's nothing wrong with me right?
So I did the training and loved it. On the last day a woman approached me and told me that if I enjoyed this method so much that I should log onto this website and download a free manual and learn this other technique which was even better than this one. I thanked the woman and went on my merry way combining both NLP and TFT into my business and doing well thank you very much.
Then after a few months I came upon the website address I had forgotten about and looked it up and it blew me away. Yes it was Gary Craig's EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). WOW obviously the time was right to do somehting a bit different. It was a shortened version on TFT and I loved it and bought all of the DVD's, went to whatever courses I could find in Austalia and become a level 2 practitioner.
You see these techniques unlike NLP were all about the emotions and that's my passion. Helping people to work through their emotions. I am such an emotional person myself it only figures that I would want to work in that area. And so I did.
Now when I moved to Brisbane I worked in a groovy clinic in groovy West End. Business could be better. I was doing everything I could possible think of to advertise however the clients weren't knocking down the door as I thought they would. Hey I was advertising myself as an EFT Practitioner. Stating I could help with all these negative emotions (which was all true) however business was slow.
Then one day after an accupuncture session that obviously shifted some energy cause I was crying a lot......for quite awhile.....I realised that as much as EFT was my passion no-one knew or really cared about the technique I used and that was why people didn't want to come to see an EFT Practitioner.
So I thought long and hard....after I stopped crying af course.....about what I could call myself to reflect exactly what I do. That's when I came up with calling myself an Emotional Health Practitioner. I made it up (as far as I know) as I am working with emotional health. So I changed all my advertising including new business cards and changed my advertising strategy completely. One of the things Gary Craig use to say was to specialise. Now I thought that was very difficult as I wanted to help everyone with every problem. It was too broard though and I knew I had to hone in on what I was really interested in so I started targeting weight and body image. Straight away I got clients. From there I got clients with other issues as well like stress, anxiety etc.
I ran lots of workshops on weight loss and healthy lifestyles, saw people in individual sessions and I also ran workshops teaching Level 1 & 2 in EFT. In one workshop a client mentioned another technique and the name of the man and like before I put it to one side as honestly people were always telling me about the newest and greatest technique as there is so much out there and for me I was content using traditional EFT. Months later, well probably months and months later all in one week I had 2 emails from women I knew and trust who also did EFT telling me about Robert Smith and FasterEft.
One of the women virtually told me I should do the training as Robert was coming to Australia and since I knew her I enrolled without even looking at any of the Utubes this guy has posted.
The training was fabulous. I've done more since and will continue to do more. Why do I like FasterEFT? Well because it is a conbination of TFT, NLP, EFT and a few others AND it is all about the emotions...back to my passion.
Now I will stop here as I have a few other things to do.....being the busy practitoner I am....
More about the tapping stuff next time....Enjoy your day xoxoxo
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