Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Rules.....Do I have to follow them?

I am not good at following rules as such.  I'm an adult so I don't have to however put a diet with rules in front of me and I'll follow the "T".  No problem.  Why?  Because I believe that for some reason if I follow this set of rules I will end up with a fabulous body that I can have for the rest of my life.

I bet some of you reading this are relating to this.  How many rules have we followed believing it is the answer to all of our problems.  Is weight really the problem though?

I want you to try to remember back to the first time you were rewarded with some form of sugar whether it be chocolate or lollies or icecream.  Can you take a minute to do this?

Can you remember how good you felt.  Perhaps how special you felt or perhaps how loved you felt?

Now can you remember who was giving you this treat?  Someone you loved or perhaps someone who's love you really wanted?

There were probably many times before this memory when I was given something sweet as a treat, however this particular time when I was given chocolate I wondered why my mother did not ever share her chocolate with us kids.  I loved the taste no matter what flavour it was as it made me feel good inside.  It made me feel happy and special as I felt that this woman loved me.  Of course every time we knew this woman was coming over we knew she would bring us something sweet as she loved us and I felt special.

So as I grew up and I wanted to feel loved or special or perhaps safe I would eat chocolate.  I did love the flavour and texture however I subconsciously loved the feeling better.

It becomes comfort eating.  It becomes an addiction.  And it's only sugar.  I crave it.  Well up until recently I craved it without knowing what was happening.

Do you know what sugar can you to you?  It makes you fat, can give you diabetes, clogs your arteries and can give you Alzheimers.

Do you still want to eat it?  Well I don't. 

So rules.....what are the rules I live by now?

1.  Believe you are not being deprived so have the right attitude about giving it up
2.  Do not snack on sugar
3.  Once a sugarholic, always a sugarholic and you can't afford to have even a little
4.  Don't concern yourself with fat content other than to steer clear of low-fat foods (They contain increased amounts of sugar to substitute the flavour)
5.  Party food is for parties

They are my rules.  I like them and I am sticking to them. 

I mentioned yesterday about  having gluten free cake and some coffee as it was 'morning tea time' however I listened to my body and it said firstly that I wasn't hungry and secondly I didn't want sugar.  Well this morning I took a chocolate chip crisp bar out of the fridge as I thought it would be nice to have it today.  It's only got .4 gram of sugar in it so that's nothing.  Well it's now almost 3pm and it's still sitting on my kitchen bench.  I can't even FORCE myself to eat it.

When I read the Sweet Poison Quit Plan book David said after eliminating sugar we would stop having sugar cravings.  Yeah yeah right....who is he trying to kid?  I have given up sugar before and never felt this good.  However I hadn't totally given up sugar as it was still in some of the processed food I was eating.  I was also going out to dinner and having a dessert as a treat.  This time I am having an entree then mains and then I don't want dessert. I dont need that treat.

Also my attitude is that I am healthy.  I am going to live a long happy healthy life.  That is my reward for kicking this habit.  I am not feeling deprived as I have a box full of these Atkins Chocolate Chip Crisps in my fridge.  I can have one WHENEVER I want one.  It's just that at the moment I can't force myself to eat one.  And that's ok with me.  A part of me says this wont last.  Next week I may eat the whole box.....oh no even the thought of eating a whole box makes me almost gag.....but it could happen as it has happened before.

So I just take one day at a time.  I am relearning everything about myself and how to eat.  I could stuff up....hey I am only human and if it happens I'll just get on with life and not give myself a hard time as I have in the past.

I love my rules.  My rules ROCK......................

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