I didn't really look after myself for many years. I left Adelaide and moved to Sydney where I lived for 7 years. Now Sydney in the 60's and 70's was a wild city to live in. I worked hard at 2 jobs 6 days and nights a week and partied hard. After my 'suppressed' childhood I ate and drank EVERYTHING leading to binge eating which followed me around for many years. I wonder somtimes how I survived. I think the most positive thing I did health wise was at the age of 21 I decided to always start the day with a glass of water. This habit I continue to this day. I tell all my clients to start their day with a glass of water before their morning cuppa as it flushes the vital organs and wakes them up.
Anyway when I returned to Adelaide I was 25 and bloated and tired and knew that my diet had a lot to do with this so I booked in to the see the 'leading' allergy doctor who ran tests and then gave me the information I so did not want to hear. No dairy products, no wheat, no frutose, no garlic, onions, peppers, no no no no...............
I can remember walking along Rundle Mall and all I could remember out of the meeeting was no diary products. OMG...well back then it was "OH MY GOD"....I cant eat cheese ever again...I have to give up cheese! It was like all I could eat was brown rice and maybe a pear and something called soy products. Isn't selective hearing amazing.
You know again back some 35 years there weren't many ulternatives. I know when the shock passed I looked around for gluten free products and found some pasta which tasted like cardboard. I taught myself to like soy milk and for a short time gave up dairy products.
I had absolutely no support from friends. It got to the stage that people would ask me to BYO food to dinner parties as they were completely dumbfounded as to what to serve me. I was also a vegetarian by then too. It became too much for me as my social life of eating was dwindling down to zero so basically I went back to my old eating habits which also included the binge eating of mainly chocolate. Just loved my chocolate......
I kept drinking and eating soy products not realising that they too would become a problem for me in a few years.
Unfortunatley for many people with dairy allergies and intolerences that can sometimes turn to soy products. I dont know scientifically why however I know after some research and talking to many people this has proven correct. Bummer!
Today there are so many products available for people like me and also people who suffer from conditions connected to food. No one has to miss out. There is so much information available from the internet or books and even programs on TV.
I have a great range of cook books which I will now 'plug' as they have helped me. There is a fave of mine "Food intolerence management plan" by Dr Sue Sheherd and Dr Peter Gibson who are Australians which is a bonus for me.
Now why I like this book is the details it goes into while using simple to understand language. It explains what a food intolerance is, the symptoms. Also irritable bowel syndrone (which I now know I have...too much information for some people? oops sorry)
It supplies information about high and low lactose foods and ulternatives. It has given me information about fructose and of course it expalins all about wheat and gluten products.
It also has the most delish recipes. I am slowly working my way thru it and I must say the food is easy to prepare and tastes yummy.
The detail in this comprehensive book which is available at all good book shops (now that does sound like an ad) is of great value to anyone who knows or who think they may have problems with eating different food types.
I just love it. We never have to feel deprived again with these types of books out there.
Tomorrow I shall be talking about another book which has turned my whole world of eating around. I cant wait to share it with you.
See ya soon and happy eating xoxox
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