Rule #3
Once a sugarholic always a sugarholic: you can't afford to have even a little.
So I am a person who likes to test herself occassionally. Like yesterday. I still have till 1 Jan 2012 to play around with sugar (yeah right) I had a good morning. Went to check out a house to buy; which I wont, anyway it's behind a terrific shopping centre where we do out weekly shop so I popped in to post off the last of the xmas cards.....which will be a bit late........and just thought I'd see if any of the cafe's has gluten free Xmas Mince Pies.....well none of them did however I did notice this gluten free cranberry slice so I bought it. Went home had lunch then later remembered about the slice so got it out to taste buds went into overdrive...the pastry melted in my mouth. The tartness of the cranberries covered in a white chocolate sent me into raptures of delight. It was delicious. I started working out how many I could eat before 1 Jan. Then it was gone. Just a memory. I felt flat. Then I felt this tingling going through my body. It was like when I haven't had a gin and tonic for awhile and as I rtake the first mouthfull I can feel the gin going all the way down my body, normally stopping at the knees for a few extra seconds then travelling down the resr of my body.
Well that's what I felt yesterday. The sugar rush. What else could it be? Could be my imagination who knows. Then I noticed for the rest of the day AND evening all I craved for was sugar.
Now sometimes I am a slow learner. This time it stops here. No more 'testing' myself. I didn't like having the cravings again. I did not feel in control. I felt quite desperate again. I had considered getting a gluten free Xmas pudding to share on Christmas day as my husband would have a slice or two however after yesterday there is no way I will have anything like that in my house again.
Easy peasy.
I was 'talking' to a friend on Facebook yesterday who jokingly put in a subtle suggestion about me not being attracted to sweet foods anymore. Now this woman is a hypnotherapist and she wasn't being so subtle is a great idea and one to consider; If you have a sweet tooth and really want to do someething about it and feel you can't do it all youself, then ask for help. Go see a hypnotherapist if that is what it takes. If you live in Cairns then book in to my 8 week workshop on "Healthy Lifestyles".
If you live in Brisbane go see my mate Mandy or Bernice in Adelaide. I have their details. I know people in Melbourne who can help. There's no need to try to fight addictions on your own. You can book in for a skype session with me or anyone of these terrific practitoners to help you with whatever your issue is. With addictions I honestly believe that people (like me) need that ongoing support. It's not just "getting over" the addiction it's learning to live with it. Being aware that there are temptations espcecially if it's about food. We have to shop, prepare and eat food each and everyday. It's in our face. There's no seperation with food however I think it's realising it's a day by day committment to do the best we can.
I just went back and re-read my 5 rules;
1. Believe you are not being deprived or Have the right attitude
2. Do not snack on sugar
3. Once a sugarholic always a sugarholuc; you can't afford to even have a little
4. Don't concern yourself with fat content other than to steer clear of low-fat foods (they increase sugar content for flavour)
5. Party food is for parties
Some rules are meant to be broken but not these. Not if you are serious about your health.
Speak soon xoxoxo
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Hello again...
Yes it's been days since I last wrote a blog. It's been interesting though. I have been sleep deprived, only getting a couple of hours sleep each night for a few weeks now. There's no real reason why it happens. Been happening since I was 18. I tried many things including a Sleep Disorder Unit where I was told I was part of the 5% of clients they cant comes and goes. I put this 'bout' down to the last year which I wont bore you with however has had some major stressors and the fact that I made a big move recently joining my husband in Cairns.
What I have found this time is the fact that I almost went back to old patterns. When I am sleep deprived I feel sick a lot of the time, I am abviously very tired, have a headache, cant drive a car or even walk straight, I cant concentrate and that is why I haven't done any writing, and through all this I lose the ability to know when I am sleepy and ready for bed or just plain exhausted.
So what I normally would do is 'treat' myself. The first time was when I have dragged myself up to
the shopping centre for the essentials (food) and as I was leaving the supermarket I have to walk past a bakery and there were my all time favourite xmas treat; Christmas Mince Pies..............oh how I love them. I found myself changing route and making a beeline to buy just one...or maybe 2. Then I stopped and asked myself what the heck I was doing. "What am I doing this for Pamela?" To make me feel better about the fact that I am sleep deprived and have gone into victim mode. OH POOR ME.....
So not only is it covered in sugar (and I am now sugar free), it is filled with dried fruit (high in sugar) and it is made from gluten flour...oh wow.....everything I have eliminated from my diet.
I kept walking, however I had to stop and think what exactly would be the result of eating these scrummy delights. I would feel absolutley in raptures while I ate them (as I would have bought 2 as 1 is never enough). Then I would have felt sick, guilty and eventually bloated. Hello......wake up I really need this after the work and effect I have put into ridding myself of these toxins.
NO....Not this time. So what if I am feeling like crap....I don't need to feel crappier, if that is a word. I wasn't even hungy.
So I staggered home (a bit of an exaggeration) by which time I was actually hungry and made myself a very yummy salad with lots of avocado and tasty food like homous and spent the rest of the afternoon in bliss. No bloated stomach and no guilt.
So do I think about those yummy xmas mince pies? You bet I do. Do I need to eat them? Heck no. Not interested. It's not so much having will power this time, it's more about listening to my body....really listening to it and thinking about the consequences which is somthing new for me. I am one of those people who (use to) eat for instant satisfaction/gratification.
I am really proud of myself. These are lifelong changes I am making and it's not going to be this easy everytime. All I can do is to remember to stop, think whether I really need this food, think about how bloated it will make me feel then make a decision. Then use my FasterEFT and tap it away........
What I have found this time is the fact that I almost went back to old patterns. When I am sleep deprived I feel sick a lot of the time, I am abviously very tired, have a headache, cant drive a car or even walk straight, I cant concentrate and that is why I haven't done any writing, and through all this I lose the ability to know when I am sleepy and ready for bed or just plain exhausted.
So what I normally would do is 'treat' myself. The first time was when I have dragged myself up to
the shopping centre for the essentials (food) and as I was leaving the supermarket I have to walk past a bakery and there were my all time favourite xmas treat; Christmas Mince Pies..............oh how I love them. I found myself changing route and making a beeline to buy just one...or maybe 2. Then I stopped and asked myself what the heck I was doing. "What am I doing this for Pamela?" To make me feel better about the fact that I am sleep deprived and have gone into victim mode. OH POOR ME.....
So not only is it covered in sugar (and I am now sugar free), it is filled with dried fruit (high in sugar) and it is made from gluten flour...oh wow.....everything I have eliminated from my diet.
I kept walking, however I had to stop and think what exactly would be the result of eating these scrummy delights. I would feel absolutley in raptures while I ate them (as I would have bought 2 as 1 is never enough). Then I would have felt sick, guilty and eventually bloated. Hello......wake up I really need this after the work and effect I have put into ridding myself of these toxins.
NO....Not this time. So what if I am feeling like crap....I don't need to feel crappier, if that is a word. I wasn't even hungy.
So I staggered home (a bit of an exaggeration) by which time I was actually hungry and made myself a very yummy salad with lots of avocado and tasty food like homous and spent the rest of the afternoon in bliss. No bloated stomach and no guilt.
So do I think about those yummy xmas mince pies? You bet I do. Do I need to eat them? Heck no. Not interested. It's not so much having will power this time, it's more about listening to my body....really listening to it and thinking about the consequences which is somthing new for me. I am one of those people who (use to) eat for instant satisfaction/gratification.
I am really proud of myself. These are lifelong changes I am making and it's not going to be this easy everytime. All I can do is to remember to stop, think whether I really need this food, think about how bloated it will make me feel then make a decision. Then use my FasterEFT and tap it away........
Monday, December 12, 2011
Another day another meal with sugar
David and I drove from Cairns to Port Douglas on Sunday as we love this small beachside villiage. They have great Sunday markets with many beautifully made local produces.
We found a cafe to have lunch in. One we haven't been to before. Lovely location overlooking the sea with the boats just cruising past. As we checked out he menu we discussed the possiblity of sugar being in some of the sauces but as I said, I still have till 1st Jan before eliminating all sugars. Se we went ahead a ordered Spare Ribs. I must say they were the best spare ribs both David & I have ever tasted. They were delicious. Tender, scrumpious with a yummy sauce.
Later in the afternoon when we had got home and were sitting and relaxing I noticed my stomach was actually hurting then not long after I noticed it was bloated. Not again! I haven't felt bloated in a few weeks now. After checking that day's food list the only thing we could decide was causing the problem was the spare ribs and the sauce. Well I was hopeful I would be ok but obviously not.
My stomach is obviously very sensitive. It may have been before giving up sugar and I just didn't notice, apart from the bloated feeling. I can't eat sugar. It's that simple and this example of eating just a bit in a sauce proves it to me once and for all.
Sugar is in nearly everything we eat. I know I have said this before but maybe it needs reinforcing. Maybe I need reinforcing.
"Kicking sugar and white flour and substituting whole grains, vegetables and natural fruits in season, is the core of any sensible natural regimen. Changing the quality of your carbohydrates can change the quality of your health and life. If you eat natural food of good quality, quantity tends to take care of itself. Nobody is going to eat a half-dozen sugar beets or a whole case of sugar cane. Even if they do, it will be less dangerous than a few ounces of sugar. Sugar of all kinds-natural sugars, such as those in honey and fruit (fructose), as well as the refined white stuff (sucrose)-tends to arrest the secretion of gastric juices and have an inhibiting effect on the stomach's natural ability to move. Sugars are not digested in the mouth, like cereals, or in the stomach, like animal flesh. When taken alone, they pass quickly through the stomach into the small intestine. When sugars are eaten with other foods-perhaps mThe sugar in the bread and the Coke sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is working on the animal protein and the refined starch in the bread, the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture existing in the stomach. One lump of sugar in your coffee after a sandwich is enough to turn your stomach into a fermenter. One soda with a hamburger is enough to turn your stomach into a still. Sugar on cereal-whether you buy it already sugared in a box or add it yourself-almost guarantees acid and bread in a sandwich-they are held up in the stomach for a while."
I got all these from the internet. Interesting reading...Well I think so.
I suffer from a condition that effects the muscles called Fibromyalgia. Painful. I have suffered from it for 20 years. Recently I went to see a chiroporactor and when I told him I had given up sugar he became very excited and started to tell me how it effects the gut and dysgestive system etc then said my fibro would now start to go when I eliminate sugar. Well that really surprised me.
I am constantly surprised at the negative effects sugar has on the body. How many other conditions do we suffer from that are because of our consumption of sugar. The list gets bigger and bigger.
I guess I will be constantly amazed now as I look for this type of information. If sugar effects you please let me know as I am very interested. If you can't leave a message it may be because you dont have a google account. You can change that by setting up a gmail account. Easy peasy. I hope to hear from you soon.
See ya
We found a cafe to have lunch in. One we haven't been to before. Lovely location overlooking the sea with the boats just cruising past. As we checked out he menu we discussed the possiblity of sugar being in some of the sauces but as I said, I still have till 1st Jan before eliminating all sugars. Se we went ahead a ordered Spare Ribs. I must say they were the best spare ribs both David & I have ever tasted. They were delicious. Tender, scrumpious with a yummy sauce.
Later in the afternoon when we had got home and were sitting and relaxing I noticed my stomach was actually hurting then not long after I noticed it was bloated. Not again! I haven't felt bloated in a few weeks now. After checking that day's food list the only thing we could decide was causing the problem was the spare ribs and the sauce. Well I was hopeful I would be ok but obviously not.
My stomach is obviously very sensitive. It may have been before giving up sugar and I just didn't notice, apart from the bloated feeling. I can't eat sugar. It's that simple and this example of eating just a bit in a sauce proves it to me once and for all.
Sugar is in nearly everything we eat. I know I have said this before but maybe it needs reinforcing. Maybe I need reinforcing.
"Kicking sugar and white flour and substituting whole grains, vegetables and natural fruits in season, is the core of any sensible natural regimen. Changing the quality of your carbohydrates can change the quality of your health and life. If you eat natural food of good quality, quantity tends to take care of itself. Nobody is going to eat a half-dozen sugar beets or a whole case of sugar cane. Even if they do, it will be less dangerous than a few ounces of sugar. Sugar of all kinds-natural sugars, such as those in honey and fruit (fructose), as well as the refined white stuff (sucrose)-tends to arrest the secretion of gastric juices and have an inhibiting effect on the stomach's natural ability to move. Sugars are not digested in the mouth, like cereals, or in the stomach, like animal flesh. When taken alone, they pass quickly through the stomach into the small intestine. When sugars are eaten with other foods-perhaps mThe sugar in the bread and the Coke sit there with the hamburger and the bun waiting for them to be digested. While the stomach is working on the animal protein and the refined starch in the bread, the addition of the sugar practically guarantees rapid acid fermentation under the conditions of warmth and moisture existing in the stomach. One lump of sugar in your coffee after a sandwich is enough to turn your stomach into a fermenter. One soda with a hamburger is enough to turn your stomach into a still. Sugar on cereal-whether you buy it already sugared in a box or add it yourself-almost guarantees acid and bread in a sandwich-they are held up in the stomach for a while."
I got all these from the internet. Interesting reading...Well I think so.
I suffer from a condition that effects the muscles called Fibromyalgia. Painful. I have suffered from it for 20 years. Recently I went to see a chiroporactor and when I told him I had given up sugar he became very excited and started to tell me how it effects the gut and dysgestive system etc then said my fibro would now start to go when I eliminate sugar. Well that really surprised me.
I am constantly surprised at the negative effects sugar has on the body. How many other conditions do we suffer from that are because of our consumption of sugar. The list gets bigger and bigger.
I guess I will be constantly amazed now as I look for this type of information. If sugar effects you please let me know as I am very interested. If you can't leave a message it may be because you dont have a google account. You can change that by setting up a gmail account. Easy peasy. I hope to hear from you soon.
See ya
Thursday, December 8, 2011
To tap or not to tap (my journey)
I have a background in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing). Great for 'counselling' people if I am to use such a word. I did my first NLP course over 25 years ago. It was interesting and it was fun and you could do good things with it and help clients. It just wasn't 'doing it' for me. I did however use aspects of it throughout the years.
When I lived on Christmas Island I would occassionally go back to the mainland (being Perth cause that's where the plane from CI would land). I would always get a couple of the ulternative newspapers to read to keep up with complimentary medicines etc. On the back page there was always an ad for an American guy called Eugene something talking about phobias and fears and I was always drawn to the ad and what he had to say. It really did sound interesting talking about how you can tap on your body and get over these phobias and fears. I didn't understand it however it resonated with my thinking style.
When we finally left the island after 6 years we went back to Adelaide to live and again the first week back I got one of these newspapers and it advertised a course using this technique to release phobias, fears and a few other was being run in Adelaide and it was being run by an Australian (bonus) so I enrolled. The technique was called Thought Field Therapy. Now you must understand that I went along to learn this technique to use in my business not to use on myself as hey.....there's nothing wrong with me right?
So I did the training and loved it. On the last day a woman approached me and told me that if I enjoyed this method so much that I should log onto this website and download a free manual and learn this other technique which was even better than this one. I thanked the woman and went on my merry way combining both NLP and TFT into my business and doing well thank you very much.
Then after a few months I came upon the website address I had forgotten about and looked it up and it blew me away. Yes it was Gary Craig's EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). WOW obviously the time was right to do somehting a bit different. It was a shortened version on TFT and I loved it and bought all of the DVD's, went to whatever courses I could find in Austalia and become a level 2 practitioner.
You see these techniques unlike NLP were all about the emotions and that's my passion. Helping people to work through their emotions. I am such an emotional person myself it only figures that I would want to work in that area. And so I did.
Now when I moved to Brisbane I worked in a groovy clinic in groovy West End. Business could be better. I was doing everything I could possible think of to advertise however the clients weren't knocking down the door as I thought they would. Hey I was advertising myself as an EFT Practitioner. Stating I could help with all these negative emotions (which was all true) however business was slow.
Then one day after an accupuncture session that obviously shifted some energy cause I was crying a lot......for quite awhile.....I realised that as much as EFT was my passion no-one knew or really cared about the technique I used and that was why people didn't want to come to see an EFT Practitioner.
So I thought long and hard....after I stopped crying af course.....about what I could call myself to reflect exactly what I do. That's when I came up with calling myself an Emotional Health Practitioner. I made it up (as far as I know) as I am working with emotional health. So I changed all my advertising including new business cards and changed my advertising strategy completely. One of the things Gary Craig use to say was to specialise. Now I thought that was very difficult as I wanted to help everyone with every problem. It was too broard though and I knew I had to hone in on what I was really interested in so I started targeting weight and body image. Straight away I got clients. From there I got clients with other issues as well like stress, anxiety etc.
I ran lots of workshops on weight loss and healthy lifestyles, saw people in individual sessions and I also ran workshops teaching Level 1 & 2 in EFT. In one workshop a client mentioned another technique and the name of the man and like before I put it to one side as honestly people were always telling me about the newest and greatest technique as there is so much out there and for me I was content using traditional EFT. Months later, well probably months and months later all in one week I had 2 emails from women I knew and trust who also did EFT telling me about Robert Smith and FasterEft.
One of the women virtually told me I should do the training as Robert was coming to Australia and since I knew her I enrolled without even looking at any of the Utubes this guy has posted.
The training was fabulous. I've done more since and will continue to do more. Why do I like FasterEFT? Well because it is a conbination of TFT, NLP, EFT and a few others AND it is all about the emotions...back to my passion.
Now I will stop here as I have a few other things to do.....being the busy practitoner I am....
More about the tapping stuff next time....Enjoy your day xoxoxo
When I lived on Christmas Island I would occassionally go back to the mainland (being Perth cause that's where the plane from CI would land). I would always get a couple of the ulternative newspapers to read to keep up with complimentary medicines etc. On the back page there was always an ad for an American guy called Eugene something talking about phobias and fears and I was always drawn to the ad and what he had to say. It really did sound interesting talking about how you can tap on your body and get over these phobias and fears. I didn't understand it however it resonated with my thinking style.
When we finally left the island after 6 years we went back to Adelaide to live and again the first week back I got one of these newspapers and it advertised a course using this technique to release phobias, fears and a few other was being run in Adelaide and it was being run by an Australian (bonus) so I enrolled. The technique was called Thought Field Therapy. Now you must understand that I went along to learn this technique to use in my business not to use on myself as hey.....there's nothing wrong with me right?
So I did the training and loved it. On the last day a woman approached me and told me that if I enjoyed this method so much that I should log onto this website and download a free manual and learn this other technique which was even better than this one. I thanked the woman and went on my merry way combining both NLP and TFT into my business and doing well thank you very much.
Then after a few months I came upon the website address I had forgotten about and looked it up and it blew me away. Yes it was Gary Craig's EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). WOW obviously the time was right to do somehting a bit different. It was a shortened version on TFT and I loved it and bought all of the DVD's, went to whatever courses I could find in Austalia and become a level 2 practitioner.
You see these techniques unlike NLP were all about the emotions and that's my passion. Helping people to work through their emotions. I am such an emotional person myself it only figures that I would want to work in that area. And so I did.
Now when I moved to Brisbane I worked in a groovy clinic in groovy West End. Business could be better. I was doing everything I could possible think of to advertise however the clients weren't knocking down the door as I thought they would. Hey I was advertising myself as an EFT Practitioner. Stating I could help with all these negative emotions (which was all true) however business was slow.
Then one day after an accupuncture session that obviously shifted some energy cause I was crying a lot......for quite awhile.....I realised that as much as EFT was my passion no-one knew or really cared about the technique I used and that was why people didn't want to come to see an EFT Practitioner.
So I thought long and hard....after I stopped crying af course.....about what I could call myself to reflect exactly what I do. That's when I came up with calling myself an Emotional Health Practitioner. I made it up (as far as I know) as I am working with emotional health. So I changed all my advertising including new business cards and changed my advertising strategy completely. One of the things Gary Craig use to say was to specialise. Now I thought that was very difficult as I wanted to help everyone with every problem. It was too broard though and I knew I had to hone in on what I was really interested in so I started targeting weight and body image. Straight away I got clients. From there I got clients with other issues as well like stress, anxiety etc.
I ran lots of workshops on weight loss and healthy lifestyles, saw people in individual sessions and I also ran workshops teaching Level 1 & 2 in EFT. In one workshop a client mentioned another technique and the name of the man and like before I put it to one side as honestly people were always telling me about the newest and greatest technique as there is so much out there and for me I was content using traditional EFT. Months later, well probably months and months later all in one week I had 2 emails from women I knew and trust who also did EFT telling me about Robert Smith and FasterEft.
One of the women virtually told me I should do the training as Robert was coming to Australia and since I knew her I enrolled without even looking at any of the Utubes this guy has posted.
The training was fabulous. I've done more since and will continue to do more. Why do I like FasterEFT? Well because it is a conbination of TFT, NLP, EFT and a few others AND it is all about the emotions...back to my passion.
Now I will stop here as I have a few other things to do.....being the busy practitoner I am....
More about the tapping stuff next time....Enjoy your day xoxoxo
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
The Rules.....Do I have to follow them?
I am not good at following rules as such. I'm an adult so I don't have to however put a diet with rules in front of me and I'll follow the "T". No problem. Why? Because I believe that for some reason if I follow this set of rules I will end up with a fabulous body that I can have for the rest of my life.
I bet some of you reading this are relating to this. How many rules have we followed believing it is the answer to all of our problems. Is weight really the problem though?
I want you to try to remember back to the first time you were rewarded with some form of sugar whether it be chocolate or lollies or icecream. Can you take a minute to do this?
Can you remember how good you felt. Perhaps how special you felt or perhaps how loved you felt?
Now can you remember who was giving you this treat? Someone you loved or perhaps someone who's love you really wanted?
There were probably many times before this memory when I was given something sweet as a treat, however this particular time when I was given chocolate I wondered why my mother did not ever share her chocolate with us kids. I loved the taste no matter what flavour it was as it made me feel good inside. It made me feel happy and special as I felt that this woman loved me. Of course every time we knew this woman was coming over we knew she would bring us something sweet as she loved us and I felt special.
So as I grew up and I wanted to feel loved or special or perhaps safe I would eat chocolate. I did love the flavour and texture however I subconsciously loved the feeling better.
It becomes comfort eating. It becomes an addiction. And it's only sugar. I crave it. Well up until recently I craved it without knowing what was happening.
Do you know what sugar can you to you? It makes you fat, can give you diabetes, clogs your arteries and can give you Alzheimers.
Do you still want to eat it? Well I don't.
So rules.....what are the rules I live by now?
1. Believe you are not being deprived so have the right attitude about giving it up
2. Do not snack on sugar
3. Once a sugarholic, always a sugarholic and you can't afford to have even a little
4. Don't concern yourself with fat content other than to steer clear of low-fat foods (They contain increased amounts of sugar to substitute the flavour)
5. Party food is for parties
They are my rules. I like them and I am sticking to them.
I mentioned yesterday about having gluten free cake and some coffee as it was 'morning tea time' however I listened to my body and it said firstly that I wasn't hungry and secondly I didn't want sugar. Well this morning I took a chocolate chip crisp bar out of the fridge as I thought it would be nice to have it today. It's only got .4 gram of sugar in it so that's nothing. Well it's now almost 3pm and it's still sitting on my kitchen bench. I can't even FORCE myself to eat it.
When I read the Sweet Poison Quit Plan book David said after eliminating sugar we would stop having sugar cravings. Yeah yeah right....who is he trying to kid? I have given up sugar before and never felt this good. However I hadn't totally given up sugar as it was still in some of the processed food I was eating. I was also going out to dinner and having a dessert as a treat. This time I am having an entree then mains and then I don't want dessert. I dont need that treat.
Also my attitude is that I am healthy. I am going to live a long happy healthy life. That is my reward for kicking this habit. I am not feeling deprived as I have a box full of these Atkins Chocolate Chip Crisps in my fridge. I can have one WHENEVER I want one. It's just that at the moment I can't force myself to eat one. And that's ok with me. A part of me says this wont last. Next week I may eat the whole box.....oh no even the thought of eating a whole box makes me almost gag.....but it could happen as it has happened before.
So I just take one day at a time. I am relearning everything about myself and how to eat. I could stuff up....hey I am only human and if it happens I'll just get on with life and not give myself a hard time as I have in the past.
I love my rules. My rules ROCK......................
I bet some of you reading this are relating to this. How many rules have we followed believing it is the answer to all of our problems. Is weight really the problem though?
I want you to try to remember back to the first time you were rewarded with some form of sugar whether it be chocolate or lollies or icecream. Can you take a minute to do this?
Can you remember how good you felt. Perhaps how special you felt or perhaps how loved you felt?
Now can you remember who was giving you this treat? Someone you loved or perhaps someone who's love you really wanted?
There were probably many times before this memory when I was given something sweet as a treat, however this particular time when I was given chocolate I wondered why my mother did not ever share her chocolate with us kids. I loved the taste no matter what flavour it was as it made me feel good inside. It made me feel happy and special as I felt that this woman loved me. Of course every time we knew this woman was coming over we knew she would bring us something sweet as she loved us and I felt special.
So as I grew up and I wanted to feel loved or special or perhaps safe I would eat chocolate. I did love the flavour and texture however I subconsciously loved the feeling better.
It becomes comfort eating. It becomes an addiction. And it's only sugar. I crave it. Well up until recently I craved it without knowing what was happening.
Do you know what sugar can you to you? It makes you fat, can give you diabetes, clogs your arteries and can give you Alzheimers.
Do you still want to eat it? Well I don't.
So rules.....what are the rules I live by now?
1. Believe you are not being deprived so have the right attitude about giving it up
2. Do not snack on sugar
3. Once a sugarholic, always a sugarholic and you can't afford to have even a little
4. Don't concern yourself with fat content other than to steer clear of low-fat foods (They contain increased amounts of sugar to substitute the flavour)
5. Party food is for parties
They are my rules. I like them and I am sticking to them.
I mentioned yesterday about having gluten free cake and some coffee as it was 'morning tea time' however I listened to my body and it said firstly that I wasn't hungry and secondly I didn't want sugar. Well this morning I took a chocolate chip crisp bar out of the fridge as I thought it would be nice to have it today. It's only got .4 gram of sugar in it so that's nothing. Well it's now almost 3pm and it's still sitting on my kitchen bench. I can't even FORCE myself to eat it.
When I read the Sweet Poison Quit Plan book David said after eliminating sugar we would stop having sugar cravings. Yeah yeah right....who is he trying to kid? I have given up sugar before and never felt this good. However I hadn't totally given up sugar as it was still in some of the processed food I was eating. I was also going out to dinner and having a dessert as a treat. This time I am having an entree then mains and then I don't want dessert. I dont need that treat.
Also my attitude is that I am healthy. I am going to live a long happy healthy life. That is my reward for kicking this habit. I am not feeling deprived as I have a box full of these Atkins Chocolate Chip Crisps in my fridge. I can have one WHENEVER I want one. It's just that at the moment I can't force myself to eat one. And that's ok with me. A part of me says this wont last. Next week I may eat the whole box.....oh no even the thought of eating a whole box makes me almost gag.....but it could happen as it has happened before.
So I just take one day at a time. I am relearning everything about myself and how to eat. I could stuff up....hey I am only human and if it happens I'll just get on with life and not give myself a hard time as I have in the past.
I love my rules. My rules ROCK......................
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
What can I eat now!
I was going to wait till 2012 to give up eating sugar however when I moved up here to beautiful Cairns 4 weeks ago I bought a book called: "The Sweet Poison Quit Plan". It is written by David Gillesie who is an Australian man who was 40 kg overweight. I am SO glad he wrote this book (his second on the subject) as he has saved me lots of time and energy researchng the subject. Brilliant book as far as I am concerned. Every home should have one and read it. As he says; his approach is not about counting calories, measuring ingredients or following complex exercise plans. He keeps it plain and simple; eat what you like, when you like but dont eat sugar. Easy peasy.............or it is?
I have a sugar addiction. Many people do. We crave something sweet every day, sometimes all day long. Let's face it, an addiction is not about enjoyment it is about compulsive behaviour. My addiction was mainly chocolate.
This year when I gave up gluten products I thought I was real clever when I started eating the most delicious gluten free cakes. Every time I went to a major shopping centre I sniffed out the cafes that sold them. I even 'educated' the woman who opened up a new coffee shop near where I work and live. She then researched gluten, bought a few cook books then started producing the most yummy gluten free cakes. Every Tuesday she would have another creation waiting for me as that was the night I would have my son over for Mexican (food) and I would get some cake in for dessert, not that my son was gluten intollerant. That didn't matter to me as it was really for me.
So why was I putting on weight? Why was I bloated? I am not eating gluten anymore. I think I shall go into denial for awhile. I secretly knew the answer. At this stage I was also eating healthy gluten free breakfast cereal.
Now if you remember I am also lactose intolerent, however still had skinny flat whites when I went to cafes. I also started eating a lot of chocolate. Well my husband is living thousands of kilometres away what a wonderful excuse to eat chocolate every day again. At one stage a good friend of mine in Brisbane who was reading my facebook entries about how I wanted chocolate NOW mentioned she didn't realise how much I love chocolate. She was trying to be so subtle about it. I told her I was only joking...yeah right...more denial.
Isn't chocolate delicious to eat. Unless you are a savoury person you will all be saying "Oh yes". Haighs chocolates are my favourite. Haighs are an Adelaide company. I think they make the best and I have tasted a lot of chocolate. The next would be the chocolate which is made in New Zealand. Sadly I cant remember the brand name...theirs are to die for with lots of wonderful taste varieties.
Oh dear I am a worry.
So how do you know if you addicted to sugar...yes we are back to sugar. Here's 4 questions from David's book;
1. Do you struggle to walk past a sugary treat without taking 'just one'?
2. Do you have routines around sugar consumption - for example, always having dessert, or needing a piece of chocolate to relax in front of the TV, or treating yourself to a sweet drink or chocolate after a session at the gym?
3. Are there times when you feel as if you cannot go on without a sugar hit? (late afternoons)
4. If you are forced to go without sugar for 24 hours, do you develop headaches and mood swings?
If you answered 'yes' to even one of these questions you are addicted.
Holey moley.....hey how about the one when you are on a diet and you lose weight so to reward yourself and have a bit of chocolate. It's only 1 piece of chocolate right? That's a favourite with me.
You have to laugh at what we do to ourselves and more so what we do to our bodies. Cause if we didn't laugh we would be crying. Right?
Well my darling patient husband was pleased that I am happy to eat what 'stuff' we have in the fridge and cupboard containing sugar and then not to restock it. What we found though was we didn't have a lot of sugary foods. Thanks goodness. We dont eat shop bought sauces and we make our own salad dressings and since I am changing my eating habits and not insisting my husband do the same he is happy to have his balsamic vinegar for his dressings. I have never enjoyed it so no great loss for me.
OK no sugar in my food so why am I still bloated? My husband then suggested I check my 'healthy' breakfast cereal and gluten free bread. Both contained oats. I stopped eating them and my stomach felt better. So the lesson for me is check all products as oats are not good for me. I cant eat fruit as I bloat up from the frutose and cant have diary......OMG what can I eat now!
My breakfast now consists of bacon (sorry all you vegos reading this) and a field mushroom as they are delicious and so big with spinach and sometimes asparagus. The strange thing for me is realising that this meal takes me all the way through till lunch. No morning snack. It is explained in the book that this would happen when we give up sugar. I didn't beleive it. What I am also noticing is that I am actually starting to listen to my body. I went out the other day and as I walked past a cafe the thought did cross my mind to pop in and have a coffee and gluten free cake however I descovered to my shock that I didn't really feel like either. The same thing happened this morning. Normally I would consider buying a chocolate to tie me over till I go home and have lunch however when I stopped and thought about it and as much as it was 'morning tea time' I was NOT hungry and certainly did not want any sugar products. How weird is that?
So I haven't lost any weight. Well lets face it; it's only been a week or two, however for the past few days my stomach has not been bloated. I have not had to decide whether I can fit into a size 12 or 14 for the day. Now that's great for me.
So lets see how I feel tomorrow. I'm excited.......................
I have a sugar addiction. Many people do. We crave something sweet every day, sometimes all day long. Let's face it, an addiction is not about enjoyment it is about compulsive behaviour. My addiction was mainly chocolate.
This year when I gave up gluten products I thought I was real clever when I started eating the most delicious gluten free cakes. Every time I went to a major shopping centre I sniffed out the cafes that sold them. I even 'educated' the woman who opened up a new coffee shop near where I work and live. She then researched gluten, bought a few cook books then started producing the most yummy gluten free cakes. Every Tuesday she would have another creation waiting for me as that was the night I would have my son over for Mexican (food) and I would get some cake in for dessert, not that my son was gluten intollerant. That didn't matter to me as it was really for me.
So why was I putting on weight? Why was I bloated? I am not eating gluten anymore. I think I shall go into denial for awhile. I secretly knew the answer. At this stage I was also eating healthy gluten free breakfast cereal.
Now if you remember I am also lactose intolerent, however still had skinny flat whites when I went to cafes. I also started eating a lot of chocolate. Well my husband is living thousands of kilometres away what a wonderful excuse to eat chocolate every day again. At one stage a good friend of mine in Brisbane who was reading my facebook entries about how I wanted chocolate NOW mentioned she didn't realise how much I love chocolate. She was trying to be so subtle about it. I told her I was only joking...yeah right...more denial.
Isn't chocolate delicious to eat. Unless you are a savoury person you will all be saying "Oh yes". Haighs chocolates are my favourite. Haighs are an Adelaide company. I think they make the best and I have tasted a lot of chocolate. The next would be the chocolate which is made in New Zealand. Sadly I cant remember the brand name...theirs are to die for with lots of wonderful taste varieties.
Oh dear I am a worry.
So how do you know if you addicted to sugar...yes we are back to sugar. Here's 4 questions from David's book;
1. Do you struggle to walk past a sugary treat without taking 'just one'?
2. Do you have routines around sugar consumption - for example, always having dessert, or needing a piece of chocolate to relax in front of the TV, or treating yourself to a sweet drink or chocolate after a session at the gym?
3. Are there times when you feel as if you cannot go on without a sugar hit? (late afternoons)
4. If you are forced to go without sugar for 24 hours, do you develop headaches and mood swings?
If you answered 'yes' to even one of these questions you are addicted.
Holey moley.....hey how about the one when you are on a diet and you lose weight so to reward yourself and have a bit of chocolate. It's only 1 piece of chocolate right? That's a favourite with me.
You have to laugh at what we do to ourselves and more so what we do to our bodies. Cause if we didn't laugh we would be crying. Right?
Well my darling patient husband was pleased that I am happy to eat what 'stuff' we have in the fridge and cupboard containing sugar and then not to restock it. What we found though was we didn't have a lot of sugary foods. Thanks goodness. We dont eat shop bought sauces and we make our own salad dressings and since I am changing my eating habits and not insisting my husband do the same he is happy to have his balsamic vinegar for his dressings. I have never enjoyed it so no great loss for me.
OK no sugar in my food so why am I still bloated? My husband then suggested I check my 'healthy' breakfast cereal and gluten free bread. Both contained oats. I stopped eating them and my stomach felt better. So the lesson for me is check all products as oats are not good for me. I cant eat fruit as I bloat up from the frutose and cant have diary......OMG what can I eat now!
My breakfast now consists of bacon (sorry all you vegos reading this) and a field mushroom as they are delicious and so big with spinach and sometimes asparagus. The strange thing for me is realising that this meal takes me all the way through till lunch. No morning snack. It is explained in the book that this would happen when we give up sugar. I didn't beleive it. What I am also noticing is that I am actually starting to listen to my body. I went out the other day and as I walked past a cafe the thought did cross my mind to pop in and have a coffee and gluten free cake however I descovered to my shock that I didn't really feel like either. The same thing happened this morning. Normally I would consider buying a chocolate to tie me over till I go home and have lunch however when I stopped and thought about it and as much as it was 'morning tea time' I was NOT hungry and certainly did not want any sugar products. How weird is that?
So I haven't lost any weight. Well lets face it; it's only been a week or two, however for the past few days my stomach has not been bloated. I have not had to decide whether I can fit into a size 12 or 14 for the day. Now that's great for me.
So lets see how I feel tomorrow. I'm excited.......................
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sugar is the silent killer...............
Sugar makes you fat! Oh dear...this is a serious blog today. Yes good old sugar in everything we eat (and drink almost) makes us fat and makes us sick and really isn't good for any of us in any way or form.
Not even a little bit of it or in moderation is good for us.
In 1957, Dr. William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of "poison" was: "Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction."1 The dictionary gives an even broader definition for "poison": "to exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert".

Dr. Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. "What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite' such as pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease."2
Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane.
All of the above may sound like it's just scientific jargon but it's all true. So they knew back to 1957 how bad sugar is for our whole nervous sustem, brain function without going into weight issues.
The latest research is a bit more scarey however I wont give you too much more info at this stage otherwise you may never want to read my blog again.
Sugar is in everything. I have known a few Australians who have lived in the States. Their biggest concern was that sugar is in so much more food products than here in Australia at the moment. I've seen...well we all have seen programs about how overweight and obese Americans are and how it's mainly due to the convenience/fast food market. Well as I said in another blog it's not just that. A lot of it comes down to education. Jamie Oliver went over to the States and went to one city to try to change their mind set about food and to get them eating healthy easy to prepare food. Did you see it? It was brilliant. It was hard for him...he almost gave up at one point if not for the kids. There was just so much opposition from the adults.
Look I told you before how my mother put sugar on virtually everything to get me to eat food when I was a kid. Now if I didn't know any better it would have been just as easy to do the same with my child. Sadly we still have generations of families who cook and eat as their parents/grandparents ate. That's all they know. And if their diets are not good as in well balanced then what hope is there.
Where does it all start? I think a lot of the Australian cooking shows are doing a brilliant job at helping normal everyday Aussies to see the many different ways of cooking. It's an eye opener for them. Since the introduction of shows like Master Chef, kids are getting involved. Look at the kids version of the show. It's fun and do you know why? Because the kids are having fun. They are not being forced to cook or go to the auditions. These kids are FOODIES. In the best sense of the word.
They love cooking and creating just like other young kids love to play dress ups or excel in sports. These kids excel in their 'sport' which happens to be cooking. They know more about it than I do and I would call myself a reasonable cook with flair.
So is the anwser with our children? Well yes and no. If they are starting to question the food put in front of them well that's a start. The 'cook' in the family may not want to change however it may mean that when that child leaves home they will leave behind one way of cooking and eating then hopefully create exactly the type of diet they want for the rest of their life. Even if they don't understand nutrition and it's value, just knowing the difference in how their boodies feel after eating junk food or a healthier option means that we have change. That's what it is all about really...Change...
Oops...I got off track starting with sugar and ending with children...Or did I?
I don't have all the answers just my opinion. That's what this blog is all about. So what do you think?
Not even a little bit of it or in moderation is good for us.
Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body
Dr. Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. "What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite' such as pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease."2
Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane.
All of the above may sound like it's just scientific jargon but it's all true. So they knew back to 1957 how bad sugar is for our whole nervous sustem, brain function without going into weight issues.
The latest research is a bit more scarey however I wont give you too much more info at this stage otherwise you may never want to read my blog again.
Sugar is in everything. I have known a few Australians who have lived in the States. Their biggest concern was that sugar is in so much more food products than here in Australia at the moment. I've seen...well we all have seen programs about how overweight and obese Americans are and how it's mainly due to the convenience/fast food market. Well as I said in another blog it's not just that. A lot of it comes down to education. Jamie Oliver went over to the States and went to one city to try to change their mind set about food and to get them eating healthy easy to prepare food. Did you see it? It was brilliant. It was hard for him...he almost gave up at one point if not for the kids. There was just so much opposition from the adults.
Look I told you before how my mother put sugar on virtually everything to get me to eat food when I was a kid. Now if I didn't know any better it would have been just as easy to do the same with my child. Sadly we still have generations of families who cook and eat as their parents/grandparents ate. That's all they know. And if their diets are not good as in well balanced then what hope is there.
Where does it all start? I think a lot of the Australian cooking shows are doing a brilliant job at helping normal everyday Aussies to see the many different ways of cooking. It's an eye opener for them. Since the introduction of shows like Master Chef, kids are getting involved. Look at the kids version of the show. It's fun and do you know why? Because the kids are having fun. They are not being forced to cook or go to the auditions. These kids are FOODIES. In the best sense of the word.
They love cooking and creating just like other young kids love to play dress ups or excel in sports. These kids excel in their 'sport' which happens to be cooking. They know more about it than I do and I would call myself a reasonable cook with flair.
So is the anwser with our children? Well yes and no. If they are starting to question the food put in front of them well that's a start. The 'cook' in the family may not want to change however it may mean that when that child leaves home they will leave behind one way of cooking and eating then hopefully create exactly the type of diet they want for the rest of their life. Even if they don't understand nutrition and it's value, just knowing the difference in how their boodies feel after eating junk food or a healthier option means that we have change. That's what it is all about really...Change...
Oops...I got off track starting with sugar and ending with children...Or did I?
I don't have all the answers just my opinion. That's what this blog is all about. So what do you think?
Sunday, December 4, 2011
the weight thing
It's always about the weight. I have been obsessed with my body and weight since I was a young girl. Even at the age of 18 my mother said it was puppy fat...bloody big puppy if you ask me.
Sadly when I walk down the street (any street) as people walk past me I look at them and think fat or normal. Yes it is quite a judgement on my part and it is sad. Especially when I say 'fat' to most people, not just 1 or 2 or the odd person. I would like to put up an advertisment for my workshops saying: ONLY FAT PEOPLE NEED TO APPLY. However I would never do that.
Look I am frustrated as the message about nutritian, health and exercise just isn't hitting home with most people. Look at the fat kids we are producing. When I have clients come to me about their weight and they say things like (and they do) it's in their genes or that they have big bones or heavy bones I get quite excited as I know I have lots to work with. Lots of patterns and memories and lots of emotions to work with. Lots of excuses and normally other people's excuses. Like my mother saying "It's only puppy fat". It's not puppy fat it's what I put into my mouth, it's how I feel about food, why I eat and it's about exercise I do.
We are a fat nation.
42.1% of adult males and 30.9% of adult females were classified as overweight (Body Mass Index between 25.0 and 30.0 kg/m2).
25.6% of males and 24% of females were classified as obese (Body Mass Index > 30.0 kg/m2).
Then there's the children:
children and adolescents, the 2007-08 National Health Survey results indicate that 24.9% of children aged 5 – 17 years are overweight or obese.
25.8% of boys and 24.0% of girls are either overweight or obese.
This is disgusting. We are becoming a lazy nation. We are a lazy nation. I have some answers however they will never happen. Stop advertising junk food. Limit your kids time on the computer and TVand use it as a reward: 1 hour on the computer/TV = 2 hours playing outside and be responsible parents and learn how to say NO.
I did not want to be my son's friend. If that happens (which it has) it comes later when he is an adult. I wanted to be a consistant parent who was able to guide my child safely through to adulthood.
Because of my allergies and weight issues I wanted him to learn about looking after himself and eating well. I had a woman say (jokingly) that I deprived my son as we NEVER took him to Mac Donalds, Hungy Jacks etc. The only time he went was to Hungy Jacks twice before he was 6 and before we left mainland Australia and they were other kids birthday parties.
So by the time we returned to the mainland my son (then 12) didn't want to eat that type of food as he wasn't brought up on it. In fact he said he became a bit of a pain in the butt to his mates as when he was out with them and they wanted take away Lachlan would always go to Subway.
By this time Lachlan was also cooking a family meal once a week, every Sunday night actually. He started with basic recipes like spaghetti and currries and his interest in food grew from there. He did not always want to cook however it was an expectation within our family unit. Hey I didn't always want to cook but when it was my turn I did.
It was so important to my husband and I to teach our son about nutrition and about the pleasures of cooking and sharing a meal. He is now passing on his culinary skills to his flat mate and he rather enjoys the fact that he can. He does understand about a balanced meal although I know at times he eats at fast food outlets like Nandos. He knows his body well and can feel when he's had enough. He does however have a sweet tooth even though I DID NOT put sugar on all his food (refer to first post)as a child to get him to eat it. Maybe some things ARE in our genes...oh bugger...see ya
Sadly when I walk down the street (any street) as people walk past me I look at them and think fat or normal. Yes it is quite a judgement on my part and it is sad. Especially when I say 'fat' to most people, not just 1 or 2 or the odd person. I would like to put up an advertisment for my workshops saying: ONLY FAT PEOPLE NEED TO APPLY. However I would never do that.
Look I am frustrated as the message about nutritian, health and exercise just isn't hitting home with most people. Look at the fat kids we are producing. When I have clients come to me about their weight and they say things like (and they do) it's in their genes or that they have big bones or heavy bones I get quite excited as I know I have lots to work with. Lots of patterns and memories and lots of emotions to work with. Lots of excuses and normally other people's excuses. Like my mother saying "It's only puppy fat". It's not puppy fat it's what I put into my mouth, it's how I feel about food, why I eat and it's about exercise I do.
We are a fat nation.
Then there's the children:
children and adolescents, the 2007-08 National Health Survey results indicate that 24.9% of children aged 5 – 17 years are overweight or obese.
25.8% of boys and 24.0% of girls are either overweight or obese.
This is disgusting. We are becoming a lazy nation. We are a lazy nation. I have some answers however they will never happen. Stop advertising junk food. Limit your kids time on the computer and TVand use it as a reward: 1 hour on the computer/TV = 2 hours playing outside and be responsible parents and learn how to say NO.
I did not want to be my son's friend. If that happens (which it has) it comes later when he is an adult. I wanted to be a consistant parent who was able to guide my child safely through to adulthood.
Because of my allergies and weight issues I wanted him to learn about looking after himself and eating well. I had a woman say (jokingly) that I deprived my son as we NEVER took him to Mac Donalds, Hungy Jacks etc. The only time he went was to Hungy Jacks twice before he was 6 and before we left mainland Australia and they were other kids birthday parties.
So by the time we returned to the mainland my son (then 12) didn't want to eat that type of food as he wasn't brought up on it. In fact he said he became a bit of a pain in the butt to his mates as when he was out with them and they wanted take away Lachlan would always go to Subway.
By this time Lachlan was also cooking a family meal once a week, every Sunday night actually. He started with basic recipes like spaghetti and currries and his interest in food grew from there. He did not always want to cook however it was an expectation within our family unit. Hey I didn't always want to cook but when it was my turn I did.
It was so important to my husband and I to teach our son about nutrition and about the pleasures of cooking and sharing a meal. He is now passing on his culinary skills to his flat mate and he rather enjoys the fact that he can. He does understand about a balanced meal although I know at times he eats at fast food outlets like Nandos. He knows his body well and can feel when he's had enough. He does however have a sweet tooth even though I DID NOT put sugar on all his food (refer to first post)as a child to get him to eat it. Maybe some things ARE in our genes...oh bugger...see ya
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Moving along to my 20's......
I didn't really look after myself for many years. I left Adelaide and moved to Sydney where I lived for 7 years. Now Sydney in the 60's and 70's was a wild city to live in. I worked hard at 2 jobs 6 days and nights a week and partied hard. After my 'suppressed' childhood I ate and drank EVERYTHING leading to binge eating which followed me around for many years. I wonder somtimes how I survived. I think the most positive thing I did health wise was at the age of 21 I decided to always start the day with a glass of water. This habit I continue to this day. I tell all my clients to start their day with a glass of water before their morning cuppa as it flushes the vital organs and wakes them up.
Anyway when I returned to Adelaide I was 25 and bloated and tired and knew that my diet had a lot to do with this so I booked in to the see the 'leading' allergy doctor who ran tests and then gave me the information I so did not want to hear. No dairy products, no wheat, no frutose, no garlic, onions, peppers, no no no no...............
I can remember walking along Rundle Mall and all I could remember out of the meeeting was no diary products. OMG...well back then it was "OH MY GOD"....I cant eat cheese ever again...I have to give up cheese! It was like all I could eat was brown rice and maybe a pear and something called soy products. Isn't selective hearing amazing.
You know again back some 35 years there weren't many ulternatives. I know when the shock passed I looked around for gluten free products and found some pasta which tasted like cardboard. I taught myself to like soy milk and for a short time gave up dairy products.
I had absolutely no support from friends. It got to the stage that people would ask me to BYO food to dinner parties as they were completely dumbfounded as to what to serve me. I was also a vegetarian by then too. It became too much for me as my social life of eating was dwindling down to zero so basically I went back to my old eating habits which also included the binge eating of mainly chocolate. Just loved my chocolate......
I kept drinking and eating soy products not realising that they too would become a problem for me in a few years.
Unfortunatley for many people with dairy allergies and intolerences that can sometimes turn to soy products. I dont know scientifically why however I know after some research and talking to many people this has proven correct. Bummer!
Today there are so many products available for people like me and also people who suffer from conditions connected to food. No one has to miss out. There is so much information available from the internet or books and even programs on TV.
I have a great range of cook books which I will now 'plug' as they have helped me. There is a fave of mine "Food intolerence management plan" by Dr Sue Sheherd and Dr Peter Gibson who are Australians which is a bonus for me.
Now why I like this book is the details it goes into while using simple to understand language. It explains what a food intolerance is, the symptoms. Also irritable bowel syndrone (which I now know I have...too much information for some people? oops sorry)
It supplies information about high and low lactose foods and ulternatives. It has given me information about fructose and of course it expalins all about wheat and gluten products.
It also has the most delish recipes. I am slowly working my way thru it and I must say the food is easy to prepare and tastes yummy.
The detail in this comprehensive book which is available at all good book shops (now that does sound like an ad) is of great value to anyone who knows or who think they may have problems with eating different food types.
I just love it. We never have to feel deprived again with these types of books out there.
Tomorrow I shall be talking about another book which has turned my whole world of eating around. I cant wait to share it with you.
See ya soon and happy eating xoxox
Anyway when I returned to Adelaide I was 25 and bloated and tired and knew that my diet had a lot to do with this so I booked in to the see the 'leading' allergy doctor who ran tests and then gave me the information I so did not want to hear. No dairy products, no wheat, no frutose, no garlic, onions, peppers, no no no no...............
I can remember walking along Rundle Mall and all I could remember out of the meeeting was no diary products. OMG...well back then it was "OH MY GOD"....I cant eat cheese ever again...I have to give up cheese! It was like all I could eat was brown rice and maybe a pear and something called soy products. Isn't selective hearing amazing.
You know again back some 35 years there weren't many ulternatives. I know when the shock passed I looked around for gluten free products and found some pasta which tasted like cardboard. I taught myself to like soy milk and for a short time gave up dairy products.
I had absolutely no support from friends. It got to the stage that people would ask me to BYO food to dinner parties as they were completely dumbfounded as to what to serve me. I was also a vegetarian by then too. It became too much for me as my social life of eating was dwindling down to zero so basically I went back to my old eating habits which also included the binge eating of mainly chocolate. Just loved my chocolate......
I kept drinking and eating soy products not realising that they too would become a problem for me in a few years.
Unfortunatley for many people with dairy allergies and intolerences that can sometimes turn to soy products. I dont know scientifically why however I know after some research and talking to many people this has proven correct. Bummer!
Today there are so many products available for people like me and also people who suffer from conditions connected to food. No one has to miss out. There is so much information available from the internet or books and even programs on TV.
I have a great range of cook books which I will now 'plug' as they have helped me. There is a fave of mine "Food intolerence management plan" by Dr Sue Sheherd and Dr Peter Gibson who are Australians which is a bonus for me.
Now why I like this book is the details it goes into while using simple to understand language. It explains what a food intolerance is, the symptoms. Also irritable bowel syndrone (which I now know I have...too much information for some people? oops sorry)
It supplies information about high and low lactose foods and ulternatives. It has given me information about fructose and of course it expalins all about wheat and gluten products.
It also has the most delish recipes. I am slowly working my way thru it and I must say the food is easy to prepare and tastes yummy.
The detail in this comprehensive book which is available at all good book shops (now that does sound like an ad) is of great value to anyone who knows or who think they may have problems with eating different food types.
I just love it. We never have to feel deprived again with these types of books out there.
Tomorrow I shall be talking about another book which has turned my whole world of eating around. I cant wait to share it with you.
See ya soon and happy eating xoxox
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