Thursday, November 1, 2012

Well here are are at the very gorgeous Thala Lodge Port Douglas which is 40 minutes north of Cairns Queensland.  We had a wonderful day.  It would be the perfect setting for running a workshop on Hypnotherapy.  It would be the perfect setting for running any type of workshop. 
We did talk about work as this was the first time Megan, Shivany and I had met.  I was able to explain to them some aspects of being hypnotised briefly between mouthfuls of scones and delicate lemon tarts.  We drank lots of cups of freshly brewed tea then Megan gave us all a tea leaf reading. 
Well it seems that I am certainly following my passion (Hypnosis).  I have planted the seed and now the 'tree' is growing beautifully. 
Thank you Brenda, Megan (who took the photos on the day) and Shavany.  I cant wait for the time we meet up for more good food and excellent chatter.

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